Passion France LONDON Blonde Horn Handle 11cm
Passion France


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Passion France LONDON, Blonde Horn Handle 11cm

The LONDON [lɔn.dɔn] is THE pocketknife of the north coast of France, a region with a long history that goes back to the Celts and Gauls. You can tell from the many names it has been given how popular it is: ARMOR, TERRE-NUEVAS, GWALARN, GABIER, FINISTERE. Its distribution extends from the western tip of Brittany over the North Sea, where it is called "anchor knife", to the Baltic coasts. On old knives you can find decorations on the handles such as anchors or the motif "Faith-Love-Hope", which fishermen and sailors often attached themselves. Despite the limited free time on board, they had plenty of opportunity, because ships on long turns were sometimes on the move for years. Often women gave their husbands a knife like this as a souvenir when they parted.

Knives have been with people since the beginning of human history. They are the first human-developed tools. When the first cutting edge was made on a hewn stone 2 million years ago in Africa, the first step was taken.

Foldable pocket knives are technically more complex than knives with fixed blades. Presumably they originated in the Middle Ages. Some suspect that it originated earlier, perhaps as early as the Romans, but there are no archaeological finds to support this. In this earliest form, a pocket knife consists of three parts: blade, handle and blade axis.

Only exclusive raw materials and best blade steels are used for them: fine-grain carbon steel, Sandvik 14C28 and high-performance steel RWL34.

Handmade in Thiers, France.

Weight 100g