Waxed Canvas Log Carrier
Heaven in Earth


Waxed Canvas Log Carrier is made from a high quality, water-resistant waxed canvas with tough durable carry handles. 

The log bag is sturdy as a helpful tool for collecting firewood, kindling, logs or weird and wonderful different size or shaped items. Yet, the log bag is gentle enough to collect even the most delicate of flowers or cuttings.

Generously sized being 98 cm in length, and 46 cm wide when unfurled.


The beeswax coating on the canvas will naturally wear away over time. To maintain the water resistant finsih, please re-apply natural beeswax to any areas of fabric and stitching that have lost the coating. To avoid harbouring moisture, please hang your Log Carrier to dry in between uses, and store in a dry environment. Natural fabric harbouring moisture will degrade and can potentially cause mildew, which will shorten the lifespan of your canvas items.